Mistakes…We All Make Them

Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft at the time, once said the above quote. In the fiscal fourth quarter of 2023, the iPhone generated 43.81 billion dollars in sales. Talk about a mistake. A miscalculation. A miss. So, if you said something or did something that was a mistake, it’s okay. But since we are not all Steve Ballmer’s with golden parachutes – you have to own it. And then pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and try again. Innovation, great ideas, and the next best thing will not happen if everyone doesn’t try again. That’s called resilience. And if the walls are still standing and the employees and customers are still breathing – forgiveness is the most powerful tool you can use.
Learning: If you continue trying new things, some will fail, and some will be your best self/work. Keep trying.
References and Resources
Apple’s iPhone revenue from 3rd quarter 2007 to 4th quarter 2023 by Statistica; Type Article
Microsoft’s Lost Decade by Kurt Eichenwald/Vanity Fair; Type: Article
Have you ever made a mistake at work (Loaded question)? How did you recover? We’d love to hear from you.