The First Minute is Key

The first minute of a presentation should bring the room onto the same page or, at the very least, establish something more interesting than doomscrolling through Twitter. You can establish a few things in the first minute of any presentation.
- Who you are and why you are there.
- The dynamic that establishes that the audience is the customer – establish gratitude and why they are there (and will get out of it) – Note: This dynamic should remain throughout the presentation
- Set the baseline and context for the remaining part of the presentation.
If you want to brush up on your presentation skills, I highly recommend the following:
- The Secret Structure of Great Talks by Nancy Duarte/TedX; Type: Video
- Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds; Type: Video
- Think Faster, Talk Smarter by Matt Abrahams; Type Book
- Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte; Type: Book
- What’s Your Story? by Craig Wortman; Type: Book