How to Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss at Work

Ok, this is not about how to Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss at work. I barely know what that means. But we do live in a world where John Oliver can get the Putekeke to win New Zealand’s Bird of the Century, and the word ‘Rizz’ won the 2023 Oxford Word of the Year. It’s a strange, engaging, and sometimes funny world. It’s time to feel sorry for Grammarly because it threw up all over this post.
Learning: The best way to look at these kinds of events/changes is through the eyes of a curious child. If you can do that, and then you realize you are actually an adult – you can’t help but be amused (and more curious).
References and Resources
With a boost from John Oliver, pūteketeke soars to first in New Zealand bird contest by Joe Hernandez/NPR; Type: Article
Rizz, the word of the year, explained by Constance Grady/Vox; Type: Article
Gen Z is not a Monolith by the Marketoonist; Type: Cartoon/Article
Does this resonate with you? Do you envision a world where ‘Rizz,’ ‘Mid,’ and ‘Lit’ are commonly used in the office? If so, we’d love to hear from you.