LinkedIn Translation

LinkedIn is a fun place. It’s a mixture of people doing well and showcasing (in various ways) that fact. And of people who were just laid off or have struggled to find the next opportunity. One particularly “helpful” post that we believe falls into the masked braggadocios category is the “Everyone always asks me…” post. “Everyone always asks me how I got $1M in revenue in 6 months,” or “Everyone always asks me how I converted 50% of my leads into opportunities.”
When you see these, use the following filter to amend the post.
Everyone always asks me TRANSLATES TO Not a single person has ever asked me.
Once you have that mindset, the information provided takes on a more realistic meaning – here are my thoughts on the subject. And if you know that person and trust that person, it may be great information. However, 9 times out of 10, it’s just noise.