Transition Back to the Office is Hard

Transitioning back to the office has been more challenging for some and it’s pretty clear that the “RTO” Return to Office mandates that many companies have rolled out are not the answer. Recent Return to Office mandates at Apple, SpaceX, and Microsoft have been followed by increased departures (see article below). Although seeing each other is essential for team communication and engagement, being home with reduced commute time has been a blessing for many. Finding a balance between company culture and employee satisfaction has to be the priority. Would employees accept work from home if they kept their cameras on in team meetings? Would employers consider reducing or sub-letting their space instead? There are a slew of questions to ask and answer way before the draconian tactics of RTO should be used–in my humble opinion.
References and Resources
Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds by Taylor Telford/Washington Post; Type: Article