Sadists Anonymous

Recaptcha drives me nuts. It reminds me of the time when I would stand waving my hands furiously to trigger a faucet or hand drier about 10 years ago. In short, the tech is not there yet. About 75% of the time, I can’t seem to prove to Recaptcha that I’m a human. No, I can’t read that squiggle of a non-sensical word. And does the “car” image want me to include trucks? And what about the sliver of the car that crosses two boxes, do I check those too? Ugh, insanely crazy and frustrating. Which brings me to the point. Though Recaptcha intends to serve a purpose (to distinguish between bots, AI, and humans), it’s execution (it’s impact) is not good enough. New technology without a clear benefit is just a mandate. The benefits have to be there for people to embrace any change – especially if the technology works for it’s stated purpose. The intent has to be significantly closer to it’s impact.
But what do I know? According to Recaptcha, I’m at least 75% bot.
References and Resources
Verifying that you’re not a robot by Stevie Martin
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