
Or pants.
Self-aware leaders become harder to find as you advance in the organization. I can think of one recent leader I crossed paths with who could benefit from this exercise. But this is for everyone else who is willing to be reflective. I have blind spots, and though I regularly seek feedback, I found this exercise to be the most effective. The first step in identifying your blind spots is being willing to self-reflect, not as a self-punishing exercise, but as a learning one.
Go to this website, find a quiet spot, and spend time answering each question. I promise you will get out of it what you put into it, so do the work—for your sake.
Learning: We all have blind spots—every single person, at every level in every Organization. If you want to learn yours, do a personal self-audit.
References and Resources
Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bet-David; Type: Book